[Review] Cradle of Filth @Northcote Theatre 27/09/2024
It’s been 5 years since Cradle of Filth have haunted these shores, playing their Cruelty and the Beast album in its entirety. The Australian Invasion 2024 tour has nearly sold out across Australia showing how much we love the Filth! Cradle of Filth have sold out 170 Russell the last couple of times and on this tour they are playing at Northcote Theatre, which is a 500 person increase in capacity and it still sold out! This would be my 4th time to the venue, and I decided to change it up and stand upstairs this time around to see if the sound is better or worse, I was not disappointed.
Northcote Theatre fills up quickly, it is already half full at 7:20 when locals Hybrid Nightmares take to the stage. This is the bands 3rd time in supporting Cradle of Filth, having had the chance to tour with them previously, I’ve seen these guys around the scene since they first started and it’s unreal seeing bands hard work pay off. Bringing in their A game tonight for a sold-out show, Hybrid Nightmare’s melodic black metal sound gets the crowd moving and headbanging within their 25-minute time slot, they play phenomenally, and the outfits tonight are on the simplistic approach, as opposed to previous years that I have seen them. It is quite clear that Cradle of Filth are an influence on these guys when it comes to stage performance. It’s always good seeing bands that put effort into their stage craft as well as their music, even if it as simple as wearing uniform colours.
This is Infected Rain’s first time in Australia, playing on a near sold out tour, where you would want to make sure you come in hot and make a great first impression, WELL GODDAMN! Did they ever!? Straight off the bat, they sound great, with heavy groove laden guitars and some electro backing tracks. Lena takes the stage, and everyone stops to watch and listen to her first scream, what a wicked voice! After the first song, a guy yells “WILL YOU MARRY ME PLEASE!?” the crowd laugh and Lena just smiles, laughs, and kicks on, showing that she can take the heckling and then also have the ability to carry the stage talk when tech issues happen after the second or third song, “There’s a problem in the kitchen!”. It is an important skill when being a front person for a band, you need to be able to make chat and you also need to be able to keep it from getting weird and awkward, Lena clearly has no issues in that area. Once they get over the tech issue and the songs are rolling, Infected Rain have the room at their control, bodies are moving, heads are banging, Lena commands and Melbourne responds. The band have an amazing energy, the guitarist is constantly throwing himself about and putting his whole body into his performance, the bassist plays incredibly well, just sitting in the pocket of the songs and creates the perfect heaviness, she then takes center stage at one point and has a little bass melody, as a fellow bassist, I appreciate this moment! At the end of their set, a massive circle pit opens, it’s a great view from above, and it’s probably the biggest one I’ve seen in this venue, taking up nearly the entire floor. For a first time in Australia, I think they were convinced to come back, I have definitely been convinced to catch them again!
I don’t think I have missed a Cradle of Filth tour for the last decade, since turning the Godspeed on the Devils Thunder tour, they are one band that I have consistently made an effort to see live each time they come to Australia, I think I have even done Silver Tiger Media’s live review the last 3 times! I really enjoy Cradle of Filth! The intro to Existence is Futile begins and the crowd go nuts, Zoe Federoff, the latest female vocalist/piano player comes in with her intro note held beautifully and the band kick into Existential Terror. From the upstairs section, the sound is coming through reasonably clear but from the looks of things Dani, is not overly happy with what is coming through his inner ear monitors, there is a quick word with the stage sound tech before kicking into Saffron’s Curse and She is Fire but I don’t know what it is for Him, but he seemed bothered by something. The band are playing tight as always, the leads and twin melodies are cutting through mix as expected but we hit Dusk and her Embrace and something jumps, whether a guitar paused too soon or not soon enough, but something was amiss, but the band recovered so quickly, it was impressive, which is why I wanted to mention it. Yes, bands can play flawlessly and it’s always a good time but for me, after seeing them so many times and probably never seeing a mistake, not that I’m calling this instance a mistake, but seeing how a band you idolize handles a slight on stage and then recover so quickly is remarkable. Cradle of Filth write amazing music, they play incredibly well, and they handle situations with ease. It happened, they recovered, to anyone else, probably not even noticed, but to me, someone who has seen them play a fair bit now, and literally taking dot points on their performance, I thought THAT fact was incredible.
Dani’s stage banter is always a good laugh, he always has some Aussie joke, this time it was a comment about illicit crimes, something that we (Aussie’s) would know all about. He then also made the comment while introducing Necromantic Fantasies “This is a newer one, all you old school fans can go to the bar now, I saw you walking”. The encore kicks in with A Bruise Upon The Silent Moon, which is the intro to probably one of my favourite Cradle of Filth albums, Damnation and a Day, I get super excited to finally hear something off this album and the band kick into Promise of Fever! It was unreal! Finishing up their set with Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids, Her Ghost in the Fog and of course, From the Cradle to Enslave, the crowd are relentless, you can’t help but move around and bang your head to theses songs! When those keys kick in for …Cradle to Enslave, you just get this energy!
Even after years of seeing Cradle of Filth live, they still don’t disappoint, I notice something a little different each time I see them, but I have never left disappointed! I left the show, thinking I will be heading back upstairs for gigs at the Northcote Theatre, it’s a good view and great sound. Also I will go and find another Hybrid Nightmare show, go check out Infected Rain’s back catalog, whilst also remembering how Cradle of Filth have lasted this long in the business. They are damn good at what they do!